Now that I'm back down in the Hasenparadies, they've moved my workstation down here too. Here's me manning the post.

It turns out that a new person lives up above our Hasenrennbahn - at least that's what Mimmoe says. She's usually the first to figure things out of the bunch. You see, Mimmoe and I have the part of the Hasenrennbahn that runs under a people outlook into the garden, as you can see from my shot here.

This is my view from the stall. I can make it to the end and back in under five seconds in dry conditions. A mighty barrier separates our side and Luna and Najimo's side of the Hasenrennbahn. Theirs is a lot shorter, but they've got total shelter. Above them is another people outlook, with stairs that go down to the garden. It's too high to jump up to or down from the outlook, although Dan used to kamikazee down into it and cause havoc when he lived upstairs. Because they can't really see what's going on in the people places, Luna and Najimo are usually the last ones to find out about the stuff that goes on elsewhere. But now, from where they are, they're the only ones who can keep in touch with the new guys, Wee and Waboose. Apparently, they're here on vacation from the other side of the people street. I know the other side of that street well from my many journeys abroad.
Waboose seems to be a good sprinter and I'd like to see him challenge Mimmoe. (She can lap me on a five round race.)

I'd like to say I let her, but I think there are more important things to life than racing. Here's Wee timing Waboose in some trial runs earlier this morning. You can only see Waboose's blur at the finish. And if you look carefully, you can see me looking on. This is going to be a great challange!
hi Merlin,
I really like your setup in Hasenparadies. I was wondering, are you at all like a Liger, a creature which is a cross between a lion and a tiger, and which is bred for its magical powers? You say you're part lion, and my sources tell me you have magical powers.
Look at me, of course I have magical powers, but like I said, I am a little lion. And no part tiger. I can't use my powers to command other bunnies, but I do extend some control over people, and certain other animals.
Hey Merlin,
was ist los bist Du wieder krank? Die Welt wartet auf Deine Geschichten! Ich hab gehoert, dass ALLE darueber reden. Mich wuerde ja interessieren, ob Du gerne mal um die Welt segeln wuerdest?
Merlin, you're hot stuff! If only Mimoe weren't around...
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