Monday, August 29, 2005

Back to Business

Now that I'm back down in the Hasenparadies, they've moved my workstation down here too. Here's me manning the post.
It turns out that a new person lives up above our Hasenrennbahn - at least that's what Mimmoe says. She's usually the first to figure things out of the bunch. You see, Mimmoe and I have the part of the Hasenrennbahn that runs under a people outlook into the garden, as you can see from my shot here. This is my view from the stall. I can make it to the end and back in under five seconds in dry conditions. A mighty barrier separates our side and Luna and Najimo's side of the Hasenrennbahn. Theirs is a lot shorter, but they've got total shelter. Above them is another people outlook, with stairs that go down to the garden. It's too high to jump up to or down from the outlook, although Dan used to kamikazee down into it and cause havoc when he lived upstairs. Because they can't really see what's going on in the people places, Luna and Najimo are usually the last ones to find out about the stuff that goes on elsewhere. But now, from where they are, they're the only ones who can keep in touch with the new guys, Wee and Waboose. Apparently, they're here on vacation from the other side of the people street. I know the other side of that street well from my many journeys abroad.
Waboose seems to be a good sprinter and I'd like to see him challenge Mimmoe. (She can lap me on a five round race.) I'd like to say I let her, but I think there are more important things to life than racing. Here's Wee timing Waboose in some trial runs earlier this morning. You can only see Waboose's blur at the finish. And if you look carefully, you can see me looking on. This is going to be a great challange!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

In Garden!

I've finally busted out of the house and landed in the garden. A lot has changed in the days I've been away. There are definitely some other guys here. Wee Man and Waboose are pretty active. They've caused a bit of a ruckus in the midst of six of us. I like them already.
It was the first nice day since I can remember. I've been locked up inside the last few weeks and before that it was wet all outside. Here are some other guys I saw today. Aside from my pal Mimmoe, Najima and Luna are also in the garden. I can't believe how great it feels to finally be free! I think I'm better and I'll try and stay down here in the Hasenparadies. If they come I'm just going to hide in the cage or the bathroom. I know they can't get me there, and this is way better than playing the human game and getting silly treats.

This is the real life!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Me and my Friends

I'm still inside the house. These are interesting days because there's been a lot of activity around here. Something big is about to happen and I know it's going to be good because of the amount of treats I've been getting lately. I don't even need to be up to no good and I still get a treat. I can really get used to this kind of domesticated living, but I'm beginning to miss my friends. I've got a love/annoy relationship with my closest bunny-pal, Mimmoe . Here she is being good outside in the Hasenrennbahn, in the garden. I should be in there with her, but I'm letting her do her own thing for a while. I know she can't handle the stuff that goes on inside.
My neighbors in the Hasenparadies are Najimo and Luna. Luna's a pretty hot thing herself, but a little young for me, and she drives Mimmoe bananas!
I've seen Mimmoe clear the fence of the Hasenrennbahn and give Luna a swift beating, then hop right back in with me as if she'd just had a quick word with a mate! The guy is Najimo. He's a little dopey and doesn't bother me much, but he nailed me once with that quick left claw he's got. Usually he just minds his own business tooling around the garden or playing in the sandbox or hanging out by the bikes. They say they've even been to the trash cans, but I wouldn't brag about going to the stinking trash cans. I like going with the people.
Speaking of people, some people came a couple of weeks ago and dropped off another pair. I don't know much about them except that I think they're on the run. I spotted them in the garden a few days ago and again yesterday. Whatever they did, it must've been epic, because they get an entire room to themselves and get some excellent treatment. I mean I get my own room too, but I've gotta share it with people. The black one is Waboose and the white one is called Wee Man. Funny, because Little Wee Man is a she. If that isn't suspicious enough, Najimo says that he had a thing with her a while back - and Najimo is old enough to be my own grandson! I mean, I'm only three-and-a-half but don't tell anyone because I had to be at least twelve to start up this blog. Let's just say I'm twelve.
Before I call it a night and crash out on my new favorite spot. I'd like to issue an all points bulletin on my best-of-all-time friends, Dan. Dan was taken from his home outside Schönbrunnstraße on the night before Easter of this year and has never been seen since. This is serious of all seriousness. If I could play music to this announcement right now, I would totally play the Pachelbel Canon and ask you to please find Dan whatever you do. Good night.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

meet the Mansers

My old pals Heinrich and Paula came by to cheer me up during my recovery. At first I wasn't sure who these new people were, so I almost bit off Heinrich's hand. Then I realized who it was and let him be. He's only two years older than me and he sure is big. I can't wait until I become that size. Paula is more my age and even though I'm a whole week older, we get along real well.
On account of our guests, I chose to sit directly in the middle of the balcony door for my maximum attention needs. A few times I wandered out onto the balcony but all that impossible-to-see fly-netting drives me up the wall in protest. I mean my sharp killer-claws get all caught in it and I don't see the point. On these hot summer days it traps the little flies in here with me just as much as it keeps them out.
I hate flys. The only fun thing to do with flys is to charge at them when they're peacefully walking in the Hasenrennbahn and watch them scatter. I could do that all day if I didn't have to eat, dig, chase Mimmoe or go to the bathroom. Flies aren't that bad after all. And I miss Mimmoe and her funny noises.

Friday, August 19, 2005

visit the doc

I'm pretty used to this. Hopping in my basket and trekking off to my vet. Today I was especially looking forward to getting out of the house and into the wild streets of Dresden.

I'm very interested in seeing what goes on in the outside world. Everyone loves me and thinks I'm super-cute, of course, but every time I pass the Turkish Dönör shop next door, they are extra nice and smiley to me. I think I'll stop in there sometime after I'm better.

After spending so much time (all week) indoors and not rambling around in the dirt with Mimmoe, I already feel a bit better. The drive there wasn't so bad. Naturally we had more traffic than usual because of all the summer visitors. It seems like nobody knows where they're going except me.

Today I even have an appointment. They know me at the doctors' because I've already been there at least seven times. I wish I could say that I get treated right over there, but today they made me wait over an hour because they forgot I was really there to see the doc. They thought I was just hanging out with all the other animals. I must be looking much better now and I even caught the eye of a nice female dog in the waiting room that I would say is about my size. Just as we began to get to know each other the nurse called out, "Merlin!"
The operating table was cold and a little hairy, but I could do it. The doctor was nicer than last time, but I wouldn't mind not having to go there again. I got some special stuff for my nose and eye, but all I really needed was a breath of fresh air and a drive around the city.
Back at home I decided it was time to just sleep under the sofa for a while. That was enough contact and experience for today.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

indoors on a nice day

Hi folks,
Here I am looking out over the wide outside world. Somewhere out there five other bunnies are frolicking around without me.

There were lots of humans in the garden too and nobody seemed to worry about me. So I decided to sit in the way so they had to step over me going in and out. It's a good way to get some extra cuddling, especially when I'm stuck inside. I have to be careful of the little one, because we collide more than I would like.

I'm slowly returning to my old stomping areas, like the bedroom, but there aren't any good rugs in there, so I think I'll try out the nice big sofa in my room. It looks like they are rearranging rooms (the human dwellers) because there is too much traffic of large articles going back and forth. Maybe there are new bunnies moving in somewhere here. It's hard to tell because I keep getting blocked by closed doors. At least I know they aren't moving out because the backpack that was on the floor yesterday is gone and they're still here.

Today was a good day for treats I must admit. I head toward the areas I'm not supposed to be because I know that a treat is on it's way if they notice me. I'm on big time medication, so extra work isn't fun, plus my nose is a mess.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I am dreaming Posted by Picasa

How I got the name Merlinlein

Today I remebered a few more things about how it is living indoors. I own the house and everything on the floor is in my domain. My cage is just my headquarters for food and the bathroom.

It's fun to sprint from room to room spinning around on the parqet floor, but I'm a little tired from all these antibiotics I have to take. I'm more interested in the new things, like the rug in the next room. They keep the door closed because they know I'd go in there every chance I get. Sometimes other bunnies live in there and I have to check whenever I get the chance.

I'm really tired today and Ron just finished building his accordion thing and making lots of noise. I'm glad he didn't play his loud music or his accordion. That makes me freeze up because my super sensitive bunny ears hear things many times louder than humans. At least he finished and I asked him to add a theme song for my page. Let me know if it is good because I'd rather not hear it.

Anyway, before I go to bed on my red rug, or on my green rug under the bird cage, I'd like to tell you how I got the name Merlinlein. It's because I am also part lion, and lein (sounds like lion) means small in German, and so it means "The small lion named Merlin". Sometimes I can be very dangerous, but not now. I'll tell you more about that some other time.

Being a bunny

Hello everybody! It's me, of course, Merlin!

I'm house-bound for a while because the doctor has got me on antibiotics. I've decided to take this time and start my blog. I've been outside in the Hasenrennbahn with Mimmoe all summer, so this is a sudden change being back inside. We usually just run back and forth in the Hasenrennbahn unless we just sit and kind of sleep. We generally like to eat and drink inside in our Hasenparadies. There's a ramp out the window that connects the two places. Sometimes our neighbor bunnies, Najimo and Luna, are on the loose in the garden and that drives me mad. That's when we go really crazy and lunge at the fence, ready to brawl! Word has it that there are two new bunnies on vacation at the Hasenparadies, Wee Man and Waboose. I can smell them with my keen sense of bunny smell, and I've seen them once in the garden. But those days are on hold for me while I am recovering from my sinus infections.

I'm sure you all are interested in what it's like to be a bunny. Well, it's the same as being a human except I'm vegan and I'm way smaller. Through this blog, I'll try and give you a view into my world.